Sunday, April 26, 2009


Investigation into the physiological and psychological differences between developing boys and girls.

[ARNOLD and BURGOYNE, “Are XX and XY Brain cells Intrinsically Different?” Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2004]

[CAINE, “The Effects of Music on the Selected Stress Behaviors in a Newborn I.C.U.” Journal of Music Therapy, 1991]

[CASSIDY and DITTY, “Gender Differences among Newborns on a Transient Otoacoustic Emissions Test for Hearing,” Journal of Music Therapy, 2001.]

[CONNELLAN and BARON-COHEN, “Sex Differences in Human Neonatal Social Perception,” Infant Behavior & Development, 2000.]

[KAPLAN and BENARDETE, “The Dynamics of Primate Retinal Ganglion Cells,” Progress in Brain Research, 2001.]

The Needs and Interests of Boys. – 24/3/2009.


[TANNAN, DEBORAH. “You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation”, rev ed. New York: HarperCollins, 2001]

[BISHOP, JOHN H. BISHOP, MATTHEW. GELBWASSER, LARA. GREEN, SHANNA. ZUCKERMAN, ANDREW. “Nerds and Freaks: A Theory of Student Culture and Norms”
Brookings Papers on Education Policy - 2003]

[HANLON, THATCHER and CLINE, “Gender Differences in the Development of EEG Coherence in Normal Children,” Developmental Neuropsychology, 1999]

[SIMPSON, A. “Facts and Fiction: An investigation of the Reading Practices of Girls and Boys”, English Education 1991]

[DeROCHE, EDWARD. “Read all about it: The Case for Newspapers in the Classroom, Education Week, 29/1/2003]

Investigation into the most appropriate curriculum for boys.

National Curriculum website

HNC textbook

Wagner, T. (2001). Leadership for learning: An action theory of school change.

Barbara J. Bank, Sara Delamont, Catherine Marshall, Gender and Education: Gendered theories of education, South Carolina Press, 2007.


McNAUGHTON, GLENDA. “Rethinking Gender in Early Childhood” Allan and Unwin 2000

SAX, LEONARD. “Why Gender Matters” Doubleday, Random House 2005


DF50 34 - Children and young people's rights: provision, protection and participation.

DF52 34 - Theoretical approaches to development and learning.

DF51 34 - Curriculum and assessment in an early education and childcare setting.

DF4Y 34 - Working in an early education and childcare setting.

DF58 34 - Promoting language, literacy and numeracy in early education and

DF55 34 - Children and young people with additional support needs.

DF54 34 - Understanding and supporting children's behaviour.

DF56 34 - Contemporary issues for children and families.

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